Callumae and Vitiligo Oil – Do they work? Sadly, not for me.

Before starting this venture, I spent a fair deal of time searching for independent testimonials.  Curiously, several people who began documenting their treatment with promises of follow-up never resurfaced.  I now understand why.

I tried not to get my hopes up so I wouldn’t be disappointed if it didn’t work out.  Now after spending months with these treatments with no visible improvement, I know how optimistic I truly was.

Discouraged and heartbroken, I finally threw in the towel a month or so ago.  For weeks, it was the last thing I wanted to think, talk or write about.

Time heals all wounds, as they say, and I’m back to finish what I started.  Sorry for the wait.

For those of you who’ve stumbled upon my humble blog, I’m disappointed to report that my vitiligo oil and Callumae combo resulted in absolutely NO repigmentation.

Callumae’s not so bad, since it’s like taking a daily vitamin.  The oil, however, has an off-putting smell—and who wants to stink for no reason.  Not this lady.

If any of you have better luck with these products or with other treatments, please feel free to drop me a line.

4 Responses

  1. Hi Valerie. My name is Sam from Ontario, Canada. I was diagnosed with vitligo 2 weeks ago. I have spots on my hands, armpits and torso. I was wondering if the callumae stopped your progression of the disease or stopped your patches from growing? I am currently looking for ways to just halt the progression of the disease. YOur feedback/advice would be so very appreciated. Thankyou!

    • Hello, Sam. Sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. I wish I could give you better news, but the Callumae didn’t stop the progression of my vitiligo. I don’t want to discourage you from trying it for yourself though. You never know. Please let me know if you find something effective. I’m willing to give just about anything a shot. Good luck. Val

      • Hi Val,
        Thankyou for your reply. I’ve been reading a few scientific journal articles online about vitiligo patients who were treated with gingko biloba suppements, and apparently there depigmentation stopped. If you google vitiligo and gingko biloba you will be able to find them. So, I have started taking it, along with vitamin b12 and folic acid. I also drink 2 glasses of pure carrot juice everyday. I will keep you updated on how it goes.

        Has your dermatologist prescribed you any treatment?

        Here is a site you might find interesting, or maybe you have come across it already. It describes the treatment that worked for a little girl named Emily.

        Have you tried cutting dairy out of your diet?

        I wish you all the best and I am praying for you.


  2. Hi Valerie

    Interesting read here, I have had Vitiligo since I was a child (probably around 20 years now). My vitilgo stopped spreading years ago and is just present on my hands, feet, elbows, and knees. Currently applying Vitiligo organics, was looking to supplement with Callumae hence I found your blog! After three weeks I have seen no change, if the truth be told I guess I do not think believe or have ever believed this would re-pigment my skin, however I will give it a go. I try to remember that I am a healthy person, which is more than can be said for many others in this world. Vitiligo can be camouflaged quite easily, I use fake tan!


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